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Kidnapped Mermaids

“She implored him in the most moving accents to restore her dress [a seal skin]; but the view of her lovely face, more beautiful in tears, had steeled his heart….The sea-maiden, finding she had no alternative, at length consented to become his wife” ~ The Mermaid Wife, Shetland Islands[1]

“When the mermaid understood that there was no prospect of obtaining her garment [a cloak] she regained her composure, and followed Donald meekly to his house” ~Donald and the Mermaid, Ireland[2]

“But if it doesn’t please you to worship Yahweh, choose for yourselves today the one you will worship….As for me and my family, we will worship Yahweh.” The people replied, “We will certainly not abandon the Lord…” ~ Joshua 24:15-16

Today, we move from our “meaningful mermaids” to our kidnapped maidens of the deep.  These stories are timeless, for the tragedy they speak of has occurred throughout all ages.  In the ancient world, and especially for coastal countries, the major threat to women came from the sea.  Vikings, pirates, and rogues plagued northern shores well into the 17th century.

And so, these women became “sea maidens,” taken from their loving homes across the sea.  Perhaps the places they ended up were kind; perhaps they were not.  Regardless, the longing to return to their old life would have run deep in their souls…


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The Mermaid’s Vengeance

“‘Kisses,’ she said, ‘are as true at sea as they are false on land.  You men kiss the earth-born maidens to betray them.  The kiss of a sea-child is the seal of constancy.  You are mine till death.’”[1] ~the mermaid to Walter

“Walter vehemently implored forgiveness.  He confessed his deep iniquity.  He promised a life of penitence.  ‘Give me back the dead,’ said the maiden bitterly, and planted another kiss, which seemed to pierce his brain by its coldness, upon his forehead.”[2]

Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it. ~ Proverbs 4:23 NIV

On Tuesday, we covered Selina’s “mermaid tale.”  A broken heart and a child out of wedlock caused her to realize the fleeting freedom of this world.  Her need for God was awakened, and she traded worldly freedom for freedom in Christ.

But what about Walter?  He, too, was a worldly type of free.  Did he repent?

According the story, no…not until it was far too late and justice was about to be done…


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Selina’s “Mermaid Tale”

It was rumored that Selina’s mother bathed her in a pool “which was a favourite resort of mermaids.”  One day, the child “leapt from her arms into the water, and disappeared” for a moment before reappearing.  “The mother knew no difference in the child whom she pressed lovingly to her bosom, but all the aged crones in the parish declared it to be a changeling.”[1]

“See, today I have set before you life and prosperity, death and adversity.” ~ Deuteronomy 30:15

Last week I talked about “meaningful mermaids,” which are mermaids who are used to explain occurrences.  But what does the meaningful mermaid have to do with the lessons we talked about?  Sometimes nothing.  But today I want to show you just how beautifully they can come together…


Once there was a lovely maiden named Selina who lived with her father and mother.  Selina was beautiful – so beautiful, the gossips whispered that she was a mermaid changeling (see the snippet above).  However, since Selina “showed none of the special qualifications belonging…[to] mermaids, it was almost forgotten” by the time she grew up.[2]

Almost, but not quite. (more…)


Meaningful Mermaids

“Vanity of vanities,” says the Preacher, “Vanity of vanities! All is vanity.” ~ Ecclesiastes 1:2 (NASB)

When all has been heard, the conclusion of the matter is: fear God and keep His commands, because this is for all humanity.  For God will bring every act to judgment, including every hidden thing, whether good or evil. ~ Ecclesiastes 12:13-14

Now to dive into our stories!  Our fist category are the “meaningful mermaids.”  These maidens of the deep explain anything from natural phenomena to family traits.  Many countries have such stories, since mermaids (and other water spirits) are not necessarily tied to the ocean, but also dwell in lakes, rivers, and streams.[1]   

They don’t always fit into our lessons, but they have equal value to us.  Even the pagans recognized that things didn’t just “happen.”  There had to be a reason, a meaning behind it. Otherwise, it was pointless.

In the sea-side countries, maidens of the deep gave meaning to historical, natural, and personal events:



My “Mermaid Tale”

Before we get started on the “real” tales, I thought it important to share my own “mermaid tale.”  As I said previously, everyone has a “mermaid tale” – or, as Christians say, testimony.  We all have struggled with answering our “questions” of worth and love-ability, and we all struggle with the pull of the world on our souls. 

I didn’t have that theory before this blog, though.  All I knew was that mermaids were often seen as sex objects, or creatures who lured innocent men into sin and death; as such, I was hesitant to delve into these stories.  I was convinced that God would condemn the mermaids. 

I couldn’t have that.  Mermaids were too near and dear to my heart.  They were too much a part of my own journey for me to consider that possibility…   



God and the Mermaid

“You cannot realize our free and untrammelled existence” ~ the Mermaid to Old Man Lutey[1]

This series seems to be one of fluidity – it’s always changing, always surprising.  I had all sorts of disparate ideas about mermaid stories, and I’m beginning to see them all come together in a way only God can do.  

The Lessons

Last time, I talked about our “questions” and lessons, but I want to expound upon them further.   We are all trying to answer these two vital questions:  “Do I have what it takes?,” and, “Am I worthy of love?”  We talked last time of how mermaids answer our questions for us; however, only God can truly fulfill those questions.  He gives us the ability to “do what it takes” in any endeavor, and He gives us our worth.  

What we turn toward to answer our “questions” determines what type of “mermaid” we are.  Either we are “worldly mermaids” or “godly mermaids.”  And as such, everyone has a “mermaid tale.”  I think that’s why there are so many mermaid stories – they all resonate differently with each one of us, according to our life stories.  Or, some may say, testimonies.

“Worldly mermaids” turn to the world to answer their questions.  And sometimes the world answers in a positive way…at least it often does in our stories!  And so I found myself asking: how do you convince those who think they’re free that they are not free?  After all, we all know those people – the unbelievers who truly seem to be better people than we are, who embrace a “what will be, will be” attitude. Like the mermaid above, they tell us we “cannot realize their free and untrammelled existence.”  How do we show them that they do need Christ?  How – when Christianity looks like such a fetter to most people?



Maidens of the Deep

Mermaids. Almost from the dawn of time, mankind has told stories of these half-women, half-fish creatures.

But why? After all, of all the things we think of as attractive, fish don’t usually make the list. I’m not convinced they ever did, either.

There are many theories, of course. We’ll cover some of them as we look for God in these aquatic stories. However, I think the primordial reason is because mermaids are the “natural” creatures to symbolize a man’s love for the sea.
