“You cannot realize our free and untrammelled existence” ~ the Mermaid to Old Man Lutey[1]
This series seems to be one of fluidity – it’s always changing, always surprising. I had all sorts of disparate ideas about mermaid stories, and I’m beginning to see them all come together in a way only God can do.
The Lessons
Last time, I talked about our “questions” and lessons, but I want to expound upon them further. We are all trying to answer these two vital questions: “Do I have what it takes?,” and, “Am I worthy of love?” We talked last time of how mermaids answer our questions for us; however, only God can truly fulfill those questions. He gives us the ability to “do what it takes” in any endeavor, and He gives us our worth.
What we turn toward to answer our “questions” determines what type of “mermaid” we are. Either we are “worldly mermaids” or “godly mermaids.” And as such, everyone has a “mermaid tale.” I think that’s why there are so many mermaid stories – they all resonate differently with each one of us, according to our life stories. Or, some may say, testimonies.
“Worldly mermaids” turn to the world to answer their questions. And sometimes the world answers in a positive way…at least it often does in our stories! And so I found myself asking: how do you convince those who think they’re free that they are not free? After all, we all know those people – the unbelievers who truly seem to be better people than we are, who embrace a “what will be, will be” attitude. Like the mermaid above, they tell us we “cannot realize their free and untrammelled existence.” How do we show them that they do need Christ? How – when Christianity looks like such a fetter to most people?